Library> Non Vtec-To-Vtec >02D011F0-1500 Destinations: Home | Library | Change Log | Index
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to convert non-vtec "11F0" boards from non-vtec to vtec, add:

In top left quadrant:

  • C60 - 1uF, 35v electrolytic (tantalum?) capacitor
  • J10 - 0 Ohm jumper wire
  • Q101 - A143 PNP switching transistor
  • R201 - 10K resistor (Brown-Black-Orange-Gold)
  • IC14 - 515 XHigh Side Switch MUST USE 5151's OR EQUIVALENT on this board revision. 5050s will throw VTS code.
  • D11 - Clamping Diode

This is an evolution of the "1720" board design. Things are simpler, as is evidenced by the conversion having fewer components than the 02 D01720-1500 conversion.

Automatic P06 ECUs have SK-5151 high side switches, just in different spots. Desolder them both. Use one for conversion, and save the other one. The A143 transistor @Q101 can be taken from Q28 or Q27.

(Note: I've noticed that IPT bd. 11F0-1500 automatic does not utilize Q27 or Q28, you must use transistors from some other source.)

Parents: Non Vtec-To-Vtec Revision: r1.4 - 05 Feb 2006 - 22:24 GMT - synoptic { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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