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in SHOC engine cyp sensor is in distributor, DHOC engine seperated at exhoust camshaft on 1991 crx model cyp 1 sensor located at the front of distributor, it s a two wire magnetic sensor. It produce a pulse when the iron part passing near to coil. it s important sensor i obsorved, some time too much retart and advance shows this sensor is not good but in fact its normal. if it not normal car is got pigging and litting MIL. It setup the sequencial spark timming, after seeing the cyp 1 signal ecu start sparking 1, 3, 2,4 and go on

Parents: Ecu Sensors Revision: r1.1 - 30 Mar 2006 - 12:44 GMT - edurmus { Edit | Attach | History | More }
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